
For the past decade, Initiative For Africa has been empowering catalysts of change, leaders, development institutions, researchers, corporations, decision-makers, foundations, and citizens to foster the emergence of a robust African private sector—a creator of value and a driver of sustainable growth.

Our approach is anchored in capacity building, strategic partnerships, and fostering dialogue on public policy.

Since the inception of IFA, our diverse array of support initiatives, training programs, and incubation efforts have already positively impacted over 2,000 micro-entrepreneurs, SMEs, and VSEs in sub-Saharan Africa.

Committed to institutional advocacy, our organization consistently furnishes decision-makers, governments, and institutions with on-the-ground expertise to enhance public policies, especially those pertaining to entrepreneurial growth in Africa.

Our inspiration is drawn from the resilience and talent of Africa’s youth, spanning from Dakar to Kampala, Gaborone to Abidjan, and Cairo to Kigali. We harbor unwavering belief in the potential of this generation—endowed with myriad possibilities. Above all, we place our faith in the efficacy of virtuous solutions and positive initiatives originating from grassroots efforts.

We are pragmatic optimists in action—doers. Our ambition is clear-cut: catalyzing transformative energies to invest in robust, sustainable, and prosperous communities and nations.