
Cotonou Policy Hackathon, 2019

Policy Hackathon and advocacy to improve the regulatory environment for SMEs and innovators enable a Start-up Act.

IFA’TALK, Abidjan, 2019

Entre-preneur : a journey of audacity

Africa Start-up Tour, Edition 2018, Cotonou

More than 200 african entrepreneurs from 10 countries gathered for four days of inspiration, formation and empowerment.

IFA’TALK, Paris, 2018

Conversation on daring the African dream


Training session for seed entrepreneurs.

Incubateur Express, Dakar, 2017

Training session for seed entrepreneurs.

Incubateur Express, Paris, 2016

Coaching session on pitch, fundraising, investment readiness.

2800 entrepreneurs and MSMEs trained

3500 hours of mentorship, training

19 Economic sectors

17 countries represented in our programs

1 Start-up act facilitated

1 Pan-African advocacy campaign

Coronavirus Response

We are committed to addressing a crisis that is reshaping both the world and the continent.

During the pandemic, Initiative For Africa joined forces with several global partners to create the #INFORAFRICA Alliance. Our organization spearheaded the #INFORAFRICA campaign which aimed to respond to the challenges facing Africa in the fight against the pandemic. We successfully engaged hundreds of opinion leaders, celebrities and other influential people to spread messages of prevention and solidarity across the continent, as well as to support initiatives that fight the disease, create a positive impact on local communities and contribute to resilience.
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